
Financial Literacy

Financial Literacy is something that nearly, if not everyone on earth can benefit from, and yet most people have very little experience with it. Being financially literate is essentially being educated enough to be able to make strong financial decisions and achieve your financial goals. There are so many different elements that go into this, making it, oftentimes, very confusing. For most people, the only source of information about finances is their parents, who themselves were never formally taught and likely learned it from their parents. In this cycle, bad financial habits are just passed on unconsciously, and nothing is ever going to improve. To truly achieve better financial literacy for the majority of people, it needs to be taught by someone who knows what they are doing, and somewhere where the majority have access to it. The most obvious place is school. School is for educating your child and preparing them for their adult lives after school is over. However, oftentimes t...

Obesity- Is it Personal or Government Issue?

Through the process of reading articles and putting together a debate about the Issue of Obesity, with somewhat of a focus on fast food as a cause, though my overall opinions have not changed, I have been enlightened to a lot of new information. When this chapter first began, to be honest, I was angered by one of the articles that we had to read and what the author had written about the issue of obesity. I, for one, believe in socialized healthcare and believe that Obesity, as well as health overall, should be an issue that the government helps to fix. Because of this, I was a bit disappointed when I was placed on the side that would be arguing against government responsibility in the debate. However, researching arguments preparing for the debate on this side of the argument actually opened my eyes to a lot of information I had not known previously. I was especially surprised to learn that according to the CDC, many of the people who face obesity, are not low income. In a survey,...

Is Pop Culture Good For You?

Pop culture, social media, and the like have long been a cause for debate. Many people argue over its importance or lack thereof. People argue over whether it is good or bad. While there are of course many good arguments on both sides of this debate, as any, in this case, I believe that pop culture is good for society, and its positive effects outweigh the negative. I believe that Social Media and Pop culture go hand in hand. Social media is not only a way of creating and communicating pop culture but has also become pop culture in and of itself. At its core, Pop culture is positive and has and continues to be beneficial to society. For those who believe the opposite, I would argue that it is how people choose to use the powers of pop culture and social media that creates this negativity, not the pop culture itself. In his TED Talk, Pop Culture is Dead!, Phil Miller (2015) defined pop culture as being “When certain ideas, interests or choices reach a certain critical mass within a...

Literacy History

            Literacy has always been a part of my life. Being born and raised in the suburbs of a “developed” country, my journey to literacy within the English language was pretty structured and common. This being said, my earliest memories in regard to becoming literate took place in the classroom of a public elementary school. Being in this type of setting, I was not only encouraged, but it was expected of me to learn to read and write the English language proficiently. I remember being in kindergarten, sitting on the carpet in Mrs. Valentino’s room, looking up at the alphabet on the wall. We would go over one letter at a time, learning the sound it makes, and how to write it. One by one, we made our way through all 26. Each day we had class work and homework to help us remember everything we went over. Eventually these simple exercises in learning letters transformed into putting them together to learn words. Outside of school, all of this knowled...